
How can I tell my wife I am a bisexual?

The last article has been analyzed to tell your wife that you are bisexual man is necessary. The best result is that your wife accepts your sexual orientation and you develop into a bi couple. Of course, we have to think of whether we can accept the bad results, even though we try to avoid it when happening. Now, let's tell you how you should tell your wife that you are a bisexual man.
We have to do some preparatory work, in order to let your wife gradually understand bisexual. Watch some bisexual movies, such as Brokeback Mountain. Put some bisexual articles in the bathroom or living room occasionally. Watch some
news about bisexuality. This is a gradual and long process, we need to change your wife's strange eyes about bisexuality slowly, let her feel that bisexuality is a normal sexual orientation. At this stage, you should have enough patience. And do not come out in front of your wife. She accepts bisexual existence, does not mean she can accept you are bisexual.
When you think your wife has accepted bisexual, after a while, you can be prepared to tell wife the truth. Before that, you can ask your wife, if you were bi couples, what would the life look like? When you ask this question to her, you should carefully observe the wife's facial expressions and behavior, and think about her answers.
When you think the conditions are ripe, you can choose a warm night, and wife with pleasant mood, tell her the truth. At the beginning, maybe you do not have to say that you are a bi man, you can tell her: "how do you think we do bi couples?” And then tell your wife when do you start contact with bisexual, when do you find yourself have bisexual tendencies. At the same time, you have to assure her that you have not done anything that is not conducive to marriage. You love her, love your family, you do not want to destroy it. You do not want to deceive your wife, so tell her the truth that you are bi man. Also tell your wife, you will not do anything that is not conducive to marriage, unless the wife agreed in the future.

With your heart touched your wife, look forward to you become the next pair of bi couples.

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